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Home Safety & Security

Get ready for safety and security in your home with these essential home security tips. From setting up motion sensors to installing a smoke detector and fire extinguisher, we’ve got the inside scoop on smart home security options that will keep you protected. Also, learn what you can do to prevent burglary, fire, and other common home emergencies.

Vivint Outdoor Camera

Vivint Home Security Review

Vivint Security is a high-end home security company that professionally installs residential security systems and more recently, solar equipment.

security system monitoring evolution

Evolution of Security System Monitoring

Monitoring stations receive alarm signals via telephone, over the Internet, and cellular transmission. Here are the pros and cons of each communication method.

best radon detectors

What Is Radon

One of the most toxic natural gases that threaten homeowners is radon. What is radon poisoning, and what are the symptoms? How to protect your home from radon?

Best First Aid Kits

Why Need First Aid Kits

A complete guide on first aid kits. What items should be included in the kit, when to use them, and where to buy.

baby gates

Why Are Baby Gates Used

Babies typically start scooting or crawling by the time they are five to seven months of age. It’s critical to use a baby gate to ensure their safety.

best home security systems

Best Home Security Systems

Looking for the best security system for your home? Have a look at our complete guide and pick the best plan and security company for you.

Wireless Home Security Systems

Wireless Home Security Systems

Why should you consider a wireless home security system instead of one of the older models that may still be for sale on the market?

Two Simple Rules for Firearm Safety

Two Simple Rules for Firearm Safety

Firearm safety rules may seem obvious, but they’re worth repeating for a very good reason. Here are two simple rules to keep you safe when with firearms.