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Using Wooden Furniture for Natural Looking Interior Design

Updated: 06/26/2024
Wooden Furniture

There seems to be an increasing demand for wooden design products this year. Rustic wood is currently dominating home décor trends. Many homeowners and interior designers are going for natural materials, generally adding a more inviting and welcoming feel to their interior designs.

When going for a natural-looking interior design, you should choose furnishings that are made with high-quality and durable materials. One of your best options is wooden furniture. Although technology and industry have offered various alternatives to wood furniture, wooden pieces remain the buyers’ favorite because of their beauty, workability, and durability. Wood can transform a traditional-looking room into a very cozy, elegant, and trendy space.

Types of Wooden Furniture

In the past, the most common types of wood used in creating furniture pieces were walnut, oak, rosewood, and mahogany. But as these preferred woods became limited and more expensive, furniture pieces have been made using different types of wood. Today, most furnishings are made with poplar, ash, pine, and gum. 

Listed below are some of the properties of these woods.


It has a reddish-brown to red coloring. It is resistant to shrinking and warping. Mahogany is considered a softer wood since it is very easy to carve.


It has a deep red coloring. Its grains are usually black in color. It has good resistance to warping, shrinking, and wear. Rosewood is quite rare and expensive.


It has a light tan, often pink, coloring. It also has streaks with green tinge. Poplar is one of the weaker types of hardwoods. It is very easy to work with and best used for the interior parts of furniture.

Pine (White)

This type of wood is readily available and very easy to work with. Unfortunately, it is susceptible to swelling, shrinking, and warping.

How to Assess Furniture Pieces

It is very important to know how to assess wooden furniture pieces to choose the best pieces for your living room. 

Here are a few tips:

Look Out for Termites

You should watch out for warning signs of termite infestation. This is very important when assessing wooden furniture, especially when you are buying second-hand.

  • The furniture appears to be papery-thin or has numerous layers of paper-thin sheets.
  • The furnishing sounds hollow when you tap on it.
  • The wood surface has a “blistered” appearance.

Consider the Piece of Furniture

You should determine how old the piece is and what style it is. If possible, determine what type of wood is used for the furniture- ash, pine, walnut, or mahogany. Most new furnishings are made with woods not used for older furniture.

Look at the Color

There are some woods that have distinct color characteristics. For instance, rosewood can be dark purple while poplar has a green tinge.

How to Protect Your Wooden Furniture From Termites

Sunlight and Heat Treatment

According to professional termite exterminators, termites love wet, moist wood. Therefore, wooden furniture placed in a moist environment is at high risk of infestation. Placing your furnishings in direct sunlight is one of the best ways to prevent termite infestation. As a tip, you can place your wooden furniture near the window. You could also control the humidity level at home.

Varnish and Paint

Another option is to apply varnish or paint to your wooden pieces. This will not only provide your furniture with a glossy and vibrant finish but can also protect them from wood-eating insects.


If you find a termite colony in your furniture, you can get over-the-counter termiticides to destroy these pests. Remember to be careful with using this chemical because it might have an adverse effect on the wood, as well as your health.

Professional Services

If you can’t do any of these, you could hire a professional termite exterminator for the job. He will not only inspect your wooden furniture but your entire house for any signs of infestation and apply the necessary treatments.

Despite the risk of termite infestation, getting wood design products for your home décor is still a good investment since it never goes out of fashion. Lastly, wood can complement almost every other detail of your interior design.

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