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4 Basics for a Beautifully Decorated Bedroom for Your Kid

Updated: 06/26/2024
bedroom for your kid

The children’s room should be a warm place where kids can relax and enjoy their time with their friends and family and feel safe. A child’s room should also be a place where they can communicate and learn to express themselves.

But the children’s room is more than just a bedroom: it is a fairytale castle, a pirate ship or a cave, a laboratory for all kinds of experiments, an oasis for the child’s imagination, and a starting point in the efforts to discover the secrets of the world. It’s a place where they can dream and imagine.

In this post, we will share some basic tips to decorate a kid’s room for your child to grow and learn in a beautiful and unique way.

Lighting Is the Key

There are a lot of tips to achieve flexible lighting that brings warmth, charm, fun, and comfort to the kid’s room. No matter how stylish the design is or how modern the furniture is, lighting is what can make or break a room. So, consider all these basic aspects:

  • Primarily, there should be as much natural light as possible because it is the healthiest source of light for kids’ eyes.
  • As for the illumination: apart from its functions in other rooms in terms of functionality and aesthetics, in the kid’s bedroom, lighting gives a child a feeling of comfort and security for a peaceful sleep without nightmares or monsters under the bed
  • Furthermore, keep into consideration that the lighting needs of children will vary depending upon their age

Another thing to notice is to use enough lights in the kid’s bedroom. For instance, consider using at least three sources of light at different levels, e.g., suitable ceiling fixtures, chandeliers, and pendants as ambient lighting to illuminate the whole room, including play areas on the floor.

The ideal types are lights with a soft glow in milky white-colored shades that can evenly spread in contrast to transparent. It’s also suggested to use decorative lights with colors that can fit the atmosphere and the décor of the room.

Install 1 to 3 wall sconces to achieve a softer illumination of the space no matter it’s lights-up or lights-down design. Adequate task lighting is also important and is compulsory for the study desk zone. A table lamp can often provide sufficient task lighting.

Fixtures of different colors and shapes, for example, frogs, bees, butterflies, airplanes, and ballerinas, stimulate kids’ imagination and create an atmosphere suitable for bedtime storytelling. Furthermore, such fixtures bring a sense of spirit and beauty and enhance the room even when the light is off.

Safety Always First

A mini night light is a must from a child’s point of view because it eliminates any insecurity about sleeping alone in a dark room. There should be a safe and cool-to-touch bedside night light in the right place. Also you can consider using night lights with a dimmer to control the brightness to gradually lower the light density over time, so you are able to wean your child off the night light.

Another option is a motion detector light, which turns on when the sensor detects kids’ movement. These lights are usually motion sensor light stirps or night lights which will provide sufficient illumination in a small area, usually placed under the bed or low on the ground.

For the general ceiling light, a vacancy sensor switch is usually used in a kid’s bedroom. These lights will require kids to manually turn on and auto turn off, so the general lighting will not turn on in the middle of the night, waking up the kids.

Always keep in mind that lamps for children’s rooms should be kept out of reach of small children and all cords and cables should be hidden behind furniture. There should be no sharp edges, unsafe wires, and plugs. All materials should be harmless and environmentally friendly.

Besides lighting, it is advisable to use cotton bed linen and avoid long curtains and decorative elements on the windows that can be easily caught, like finials, beads, and cords. And do not place flowers in the children’s bedroom, as they could cause allergies.

Decoration, Comfort, and Mood

You could meet your kid’s wishes with themed lighting, which will definitely add to your kid’s room decor. You can choose between a small number of themes like Star Wars, Harry Potter, and Frozen and find a good number of decorative pieces for the room, from the wall art to the ceiling decorations and the furniture. So show up your creativity. With suitable fixtures, you can even “draw” a fairy tale.

Arranging and decorating the kid’s space could turn out to be a tough challenge, so consider some basics:

Make use of your imagination, and trust the tastes and desires of your kid, especially if he/she is grown up. Think practically, when decorating a kid’s bedroom, it is the balance between creativity and reasonableness that will let the room “grow up” along with kids.

Since the kid’s room is multi-functional, think carefully about how to organize the space. Consider zoning to unite all functions harmoniously.

Lofted bedrooms are a very good option, especially for smaller spaces as the room is divided into two parts. With a loft in one of them to incorporate all needed elements such as a bed, a desk, shelves, drawers, plus plenty of storage place, and the other part is an open play zone.

Use pastel colors as they reflect light, and the space seems lighter as a result. In case your kid prefers bright colors, use them within limits to add accessories to the décor. Eye-catching wallpapers and trims add a color to the space.

Choose transforming, multi-functional furniture and playing modules that stimulate a child’s imagination and could grow, change, and adapt to new uses and needs. Occasionally add themed accessories that could be easily thrown away when your kid’s tastes change. It is advisable to choose movable, influence–resistant furniture.

Give Your Kids Space

It’s critical to give enough space for your kids and make your kid’s room as large as possible. Choose the largest and the brightest room to arrange their space. There are a lot of kids who don’t feel comfortable in small spaces, so you should make sure that your kids stay happy in their room. You should consider the space in your kid’s room as the space they can grow into, not the space they are currently in.

Also consider the accessibility in the room. Arrange the space to ensure an easy access to everything in the room but don’t clutter with toys and avoid placing too many furnishings as they create clutter and chaos that burden the child. Instead, provide enough differences in color, shape, and material containers such as drawers, boxes, and baskets to store toys, clothes, and other belongings. Make sure that your kid has enough space to stretch, play, work, and have their own space.


In general, do not try to make your own dream bedroom come true. Consult with specialists if and when necessary, let your kids have a say, consider their needs and wishes, use some imagination and try to create their fantasy world – a room to meet their necessities, a safe, functional, colorful, and stylish place.

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