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Finding the Best Water to Drink for Hydration and Health

Updated: 06/26/2024
Best Water To Drink For Health

A growing number of people around the world are focused on staying healthy, a goal that requires drinking at least eight glasses of water every day. Some people in dry climates need even more. Without this essential substance, you may experience dry skin, increased aging, poor digestion and lowered energy levels. Unfortunately, getting all the water you need can be more complicated than it first appears.

That’s because all water is not the same. Water from a pristine natural spring has different health properties than water that has been shipped in a plastic container or even the supply from your well or municipal service. Some water contains more healthy minerals than water from other sources, while quite a few supplies are contaminated by dangerous toxins. Here’s a look at the best water to drink if you’re worried about your health.

Tap Water

Municipal tap water has been sent through a disinfection and treatment process to remove bacteria and other dangerous contaminants. This water is monitored by the government and is allowed to have only certain levels of a wide range of substances.

The chlorine used to decontaminate it can be unpleasant-tasting and potentially dangerous to health, however. Municipal water also frequently has trace amounts of lead and other toxins, which can build up in your system over time.

Well Water

Well water may seem like a safer alternative to tap water, but this isn’t necessarily so. Just because well water comes from natural sources doesn’t make it automatically safe.

While water from the well won’t contain chlorine, it can become contaminated with heavy metals and other substances in the rocks around your aquifer. In some areas where mining or heavy agriculture is practiced, well water can also pick up dangerous chemicals.

Bottled Water

Commercial bottled water is clear and attractive, making it seem like the ideal choice for health-concerned consumers. In reality, the quality of your bottled water depends on the brand and source.

Some bottled brands are simply repackaged municipal tap water. Others have been distilled and heavily purified, which removes contaminants but also takes out beneficial minerals and taste. True pure spring water can be healthy, but it’s hard to guarantee.

Home Filtered Water

Because it’s so hard to be sure of the quality and safety of the most readily available types of water, many people have turned to home filtration. Purchasing a water filter unit for your faucets can help remove chlorine, heavy metals, bacteria and a wide range of other problematic substances.

Ideally, filters should use ceramic, carbon, and active carbon to remove the full range of potential contaminants. This kind of water purification gives you the most control over what you’re drinking, making it a healthy solution, but it isn’t the best water to drink in all cases.

Alkaline Water

Alkaline water adds another beneficial feature to home filtration. This process gives ordinary water strong antioxidant properties, allowing it to fight the dangerous oxidizing effects of free radicals in the body. These benefits are greatest immediately after the water has been filtered. That means that using a home alkaline water filter from a company like Tyent is the best way to get healthy, great-tasting water for everyday use.

If you’re concerned about your health and want to be sure that you’re getting the best water to drink, it’s time to take a look at your options. While getting enough water every day is the most important thing, finding the right source is a little more complex. Fortunately, all you need is a high-quality filtration system to get control over what you drink.

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