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How to Become a Locksmith & Make $100+ a Day

Updated: 06/26/2024

So, you want to learn how to become a locksmith and earn over $100 a day, by working 2 hours a day?

Good, you are in the right place.

I’ve worked with countless numbers of locksmiths in the past. I’ve helped connect them to someone that can train them to be a locksmith. I’ve taught them how to market themselves and their business. Now they are living the life of their dreams.

It’s your turn.

This post is going to teach you everything you need to know to get started.

It doesn’t matter if you have never looked at a lock before. It doesn’t matter if you have never even considered starting a business. Heck, it doesn’t even matter if you have absolutely no education or qualifications.

If you have the ambition to succeed, that desire to achieve and a willingness to learn, then I have complete faith that you will make it as a locksmith.

How to Become a Locksmith in 7 days or less

Now I’m not going to sit here and bullshit you because I actually care about your success. This is a real business, and real businesses require investment. If you don’t have at least $3,500 in the bank, go get a job or take a loan out and come back when you do. You need money for locksmith tools, training, a website, marketing etc.

But don’t worry; setting up on your own is not as complicated as it sounds. You only need to worry about 3 steps, which will be explained in detail later:

  • Train to be a locksmith.
  • Buy the necessary locksmith tools.
  • Find someone to create your website and handle your marketing.

Before you wonder why I’m not giving you the option to train to be a locksmith and then go and find a company to work for, it’s because that is not really an option.

The thing is, they aren’t hiring because they don’t need to. Why would they give you a job worth $60 and let you take a cut? They can go out, do the job themselves in less than an hour, and keep the lot.

Besides, wouldn’t you want to earn that whole $60 for yourself anyway?

Now, let’s take the first step on your journey to becoming a locksmith.

Step 1- Training to Become a Locksmith

The best way to get started as a locksmith is to attend a locksmith course. These courses take anywhere from 2 days to a week, and cost from $500-$1000+.

If you are in the US or anywhere else, just use Google and type your state + locksmith training courses into the search bar.

It’s important that you do your research when choosing a trainer. Check out some reviews and try to speak to people that attended the course. The courses are expensive so you want to be sure that your money is being spent well, and you are getting the education that you need.

Let’s move on to step 2.

Step 2- Buying Locksmith Tools

The second step towards becoming a locksmith is to purchase your starter set of locksmith tools. The best place to order them from is amazon.

Here is what you need:

  • Letterbox kit
  • UPVC door Kit
  • Mica cards
  • Cordless combi drill
  • HSS steel bits 5mm
  • Lock picking set
  • Screwdriver set
  • Replacement parts (rim cylinder, euro cylinder, oval cylinder)
  • Mortise locks
  • Mortise lock pick set
  • Pick guns
  • Cylinder snapper
  • Chisel set
  • Hammer
  • Wd40

That’s everything you need.

Now on to step 3.

Step 3- Creating Your Website

Whenever somebody gets accidentally locked out of their house and needs a locksmith, how do you think they find one? The yellow pages is in the house, (who uses that nowadays anyway) none of their friends knows a locksmith, so they have to find one themselves.

What do you think almost everybody does?

They take out their smartphones, use Google and type locksmith + ‘their town name’. Whichever locksmith is at the top will normally get the business. Any locksmith that is not on the front page of Google is missing tons of business.

Again, I’m not going to bullshit you.

Getting to the top of Google with your website is not easy, and it requires financial investment.

There are two ways to do it. You can either use Google Adwords to purchase advertising space, or use SEO (search engine optimisation) and optimise your site to appear at the top organically.

Google Adwords is more of an instantaneous short-term marketing method, whereas SEO is a smarter long-term method that takes a little while to get going, but provides greater profit margins.

Now, I expect I might have lost a few of you at this point. Before you start getting confused and frustrated, take a deep breath and relax.

I’m here to help you, and I’ll make everything much simpler for you.

You don’t have to handle any of the marketing yourselves, just pay someone that knows what they are doing to do it for you.

So really, this step can be summed up in two parts:

  1. Get a web designer to make you a website.
  2. Find a marketing executive to use SEO, Google Adwords or both, on your new site

And that’s everything. I’m going to cover the marketing side of this in a later post very soon, so be sure to drop back here every now and then.

So to sum up your journey to become a locksmith, here’s what you need to do:

  1. Use google to find a locksmith course near you. 
  2. Purchase your tools from amazon.
  3. Find someone to create you a website and market it.

I hope you enjoyed this guide in how you can become a locksmith. Good luck, and all the best on your journey!

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