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The Essential 5 Things You Must Do To Get Your New Locksmith Business Off the Ground FAST

Updated: 06/26/2024

Throughout my career working as a consultant with countless locksmiths, I’ve been asked many times what’s the ideal way for a new locksmith, who has attended their locksmith training, to get their own business off the ground and start bringing in money quickly. Here are my 5 top tips for you based on my own personal experience.

Make sure you start off right, by getting a proper brand created straight away. Don’t make the mistake of asking a pal to create your website, and please, please, do not have a go at using a tool such as a website design tool to create a free website!

Consider the incredible importance of mobile devices in today’s world (current statistics show my clients nearly half of their locksmith work comes from people searching on mobiles), and bear in mind that your “locked out” customers may well be searching for you on them using key phrases such as “local locksmith”, “locksmith in Bristol” etc. 

Consider that if people are locked out they are extremely likely to search on a phone and call the first person they find (who answers their phone of course! More on that another). Make sure that the locksmith they choose is you, by hiring a web designer to create a mobile website and then setting up some advertising that will work on a mobile phone?

Make sure that you always answer your phone or possibly even consider getting an answering service to pick up your phone. New locksmiths will definitely need to expect to be on call at all times, including evenings and at weekends, when the more established locksmiths will be taking a rest! (Don’t worry, one day that will by you!)

Get several hundred great quality business cards created for you (please don’t use a freebie printing service, make sure they are good quality) and pass them at all times, to colleagues, shops, in telephone boxes. Have as many printed as you can and leave dozens – especially in places where students will find them. Students are highly likely to end up as your biggest target group for emergency call outs!

Network in groups such as BNI, 4 Networking, Bizi etc – making sure that you ask people at the start of the meeting (in your short talk about your business) to take down your phone number. Point out everyone in the room may have a need for you one day…

If you focus on, and execute these essential tasks, you are giving yourself a great head start with your new locksmith business.

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