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Some Interesting Facts about Locksmiths

Updated: 06/26/2024

In case you don’t know, a locksmith is someone who does some work and service that is very valuable and important to the community. Just imagine a scene when you locked yourself out of either your car or your own home. 

In both instances, the locksmith is the person who will conveniently help you out by getting the door open and giving you access to your car and home. But the help doesn’t end there since they too can provide you with spare keys so that you get some backup in case you lose your keys again. But aside from making spare keys and unlocking doors, there are interesting locksmith facts that you might be interested in.

Experts in Dead Bolts

One of the uncommon but very crucial abilities of a locksmith is spotting and fixing deadbolt problems. It’s a fact that even the most advanced ones installed by professional contractors can develop problems and the only person who can help is a locksmith. 

Aside from repair, they can as well determine and identify if a deadbolt isn’t installed properly and the same doesn’t provide the kind of protection it should be providing in the first place. 

Hence, without a locksmith fixing it, a burglar can easily get past a badly installed deadbolt and get what he wants.

Locksmiths Hate Competition

Some people have been practicing the act of calling several locksmiths at the same time, especially in emergency situations like being locked out of a car or home. 

The thing with it is that locksmiths actually find this as rude and even insulting. As a customer, you feel like calling more than one gives you the assurance that someone will eventually arrive. But on the locksmith’s end, it is a waste of time arriving at the scene seeing someone else doing the job.

Duplication is the Game

Locksmiths are also popularly known for their skills in duplicating almost every type of key. It must be noted that the skill isn’t inherent or inborn; it is actually learned through training and experience. 

There are keys that are marked with “do not duplicate” but still they can easily break that rule and duplicate the same. All sorts of keys ranging from house keys, keys for high security locks, and even car keys are vulnerable for duplication, so long as you have a locksmith nearby.

An Expert Will Charge Substantially

It is not a secret that you will likely be paying more for someone who is an expert on what he does. The same trend happens in locksmith services. The most reputable and renowned locksmiths in an area will most likely charge more especially in emergency cases and scenarios. The pay even increases when called upon at the middle of the night.

But the reality is we all need locksmiths in order to move on with our lives and make sure we are always secured. Aside from being the savior when we lock ourselves out, the new locksmiths of today can even go as far as installing highly sophisticated locking and security systems.

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