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Spare Keys Help Avoid the Need for Lockout Services

Updated: 06/26/2024
Spare Keys Lockout

Finding yourself locked out of your car or home can leave you stunned and reeling for days, trying to figure out how it happened. In this time of electronic keys, fobs, and remote controls, it should not be happening, but it does.

There are many ways that lockouts can happen. One of the more common ones is when you insert your key into your car’s ignition and close the door, either because you were not paying attention or quite by accident before you climb in yourself. Your car then auto-locks the doors, and you are left standing in disbelief as you are locked out of your car.

In a home lockout scenario, you may have a deadbolt lock with a thumb turn which you locked without realizing that your keys were still inside your house. Suddenly you find yourself in desperate need of a lockout service.

How to Prevent Lockouts

Lockouts are a nuisance but also a possibility. Ideally, you should be prepared so that if it happens, you will not be left scrambling trying to find help at the worst possible time.

There are a number of very simple steps that you can take to prevent being locked out of your car or home. Ideally, you should select a few different options as an extra precaution.

Keep a Spare Key In Your Wallet or Handbag

A very simple option is to keep a spare key to your house and a car key and fob in your handbag or wallet. As most people always travel with a wallet or bag, this option is probably the simplest and easiest. The only problem that may arise is that if a thief steals your handbag or wallet, they will also have the keys to your car and home.

Keep a Key With Someone You Trust

You can give a spare set of house keys and a car key and fob to a trusted family member, friend, or neighbor. It is imperative that they are trustworthy as it essentially gives this person access to your car and your home. It can, however, also be a lifesaver when you find yourself locked out.

Keep a Spare Key on Your Car or Property

You can keep a spare key and fob in a secret location on your car for when you have a car lockout. You can store the key in a magnetic box and attach it to your car. Make sure that you are the only one who knows of its location and be sure to remove it when you have your car serviced.

You can also keep a spare house key under a pot plant, rock or other such items in your garden. Beware however, that both of these options are very risky and you stand the chance of having your car stolen or your house burgled.

If All Else Fails Call Your Local Locksmith

If you find yourself locked out without any spare keys, then it is time to get professional help. Contact your local Locksmith and ensure that he offers a lockout service for both car lockouts as well as for home lockouts or any other emergency locksmith service that you might need.

He should be situated in a central location and not need to travel great distances to get to you. Traveling extra distances not only increases the cost of the callout but also keeps you waiting for longer.

Car lockouts are a reality of everyday life, and a good and efficient car lockout service can go a long way in turning a disaster into a mild annoyance. Remember, prevention is better than cure, and spare keys help avoid the need for lockout services and unnecessary stress and expense.

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