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12 Home Security Tips That Really Work

Updated: 06/26/2024
Security Tips

How to maintain high security detail in and around my home? This is one of the most common questions among people who wish to protect their families and property from burglary. Protecting your home is not rocket science. In fact, you do not have to spend hundreds of dollars on expensive security gadgets in order to stay safe.

Here are some implementable home security tips and tricks that are very effective and affordable.

Change Locks

One of the easiest ways thieves can gain access to a home is by having the door security code or key. It is recommended to change the door locks when you move into a new home or apartment. This will greatly help to lock out any person who could have copies of the same key.

Trim Bushes

It is a well known fact that thieves love hiding behind bushes. For example, rhododendron bushes are very appealing and beautiful but can also act as a hiding ground for thieves. To avoid such scenarios, it is recommended to trim your bushes and maintain an open space between the fence and the main house. If possible, plant thorny bushes instead of the conventional species in order to make it hard for unauthorized persons to gain access to your compound.

Avoid Storing Your Accessories in Rooms With a View

Can you see your computer or flat screen television set from your garden or sidewalk? You might be unknowingly attracting thieves into your home if such accessories are visible from the outside. Hence, it is recommended to avoid storing essential home accessories in rooms whose interiors can be seen from the garden. You can also install tinted windows in such rooms.

Is your external wiring visible? Your alarm system or surveillance cameras are not tamper proof if all their external wiring is easily visible. Savvy thieves can be able to disconnect the system and gain access to your home without arousing any attention.

Bottom line: ensure that security gadgets are correctly wired and hidden from the general public. If possible, install wireless security gadgets that can be remotely monitored through the internet. Read various home security systems consumer reports in order to choose the best gadgets.

Know Your Neighbors

Well, it is impossible to know the specific character of your neighbors, especially after moving into a new house. Any professional security personnel who offer home security advice to homeowners can attest to the fact understanding the character of your neighbors is as important as installing a security system in your home. Avoid sharing confidential information with persons that you barely know. In fact, you should never discuss details of your security systems with anyone unless you are completely sure about their personal traits and motives.

Keep Your Garage Tidy

Most homeowners use their garages to store home accessories such as old furniture and faulty electronics. This, in turn, forces them to park their vehicles outside due to lack of enough space. It is very easy for thieves to monitor your movements if you usually park your car on your driveway. In addition, burglars can easily steal or break into your car at night. So, it is recommended to clean up your garage by getting rid of unwanted equipment in order to create space for your car.

Consider Installing Security Lights Around Your Home

This is one of the best DIY home security tips that you can use to keep your family safe. Install security lights outside your home, especially if you live on a dark street. Nowadays, there are a number of technologically advanced motion sensor lights that can automatically turn on if they detect any activity outside your home at night. The lights do not necessarily have to be spotlights, but they should be able to illuminate your entire compound. On the other hand, if you are going to be away from home, invest in timer lights that can automatically turn on at dusk. They will create an illusion that you are still at home.

Always Keep Your Windows and Doors Locked

This is one of the most obvious yet most forgotten safe home security tips. You should always lock your doors and windows at night and as you go to work, no matter the security detail in your residential area. It is also recommended to keep patio or screen doors locked during the day in order to keep intruders away. Additionally, keep your garden sheds and garage locked at all times lest you lose some of your valuable gardening tools.

Hide Stuff in Walls

You do not have to spend hundreds of dollars on a safe in order to secure your valuables. Instead, hide them in between the walls. For example, you can use a fake electric outlet as a safe. Again, make sure that you do not share such confidential information with your neighbors or colleagues.

Where do you hide your keys? A number of homeowners still hide their keys under the mat or in an outdoor flower vase. Look for an alternative location that is unique and secure. For example, attach the key to your dog’s collar. If you have several dog pets, choose one that is least likely to be friendly to intruders.

Avoid Customizing Your Keys

Most people are tempted to inscribe their names and apartments on their keys in order to speed up the recovery process in case they lose the keys. However, it is impossible to foresee the character of the person who might find the keys. For example, if the keys land on the wrong hand, they can be used to not only track you but also gain access to your home. You should replace your locks immediately if you happen to lose your keys under mysterious circumstances.

Install a Safety Spy Hole on Your Front Door

Just because someone knocked on your door or door bell does not mean you should open it. A safety spy hole can help you ascertain the identity of your visitors before opening the door.

As you can see, most of these home security tips are very easy to implement and inexpensive. So what are you waiting for? Make your premises safe today!

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