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What is Taser

Updated: 06/26/2024

The taser is an energy weapon utilizing EMD (electro muscular disruption) technology. EMD weapons are an advanced technology over more traditional stun weapons that operate at a higher voltage but lower wattage.

Whereas a stun gun or stun baton may operate in ranges from 80,000 to 775,000 volts, they run between 7 to 14 watts. The applied power interferes with the communication signals of the nervous system, causing a temporary loss of coordinated muscular control.

Naturally, the higher voltage stun guns will have a greater effect than lesser voltage units, but their smaller size aids in maintaining the element of surprise. Stun batons are best used for home defense where concealment is less of a concern and the intimidating size can intensify the fear factor. While highly effective, there is a small percentage of people with a very high pain tolerance who can maintain some limited aggressive capabilities.

The 50,000 volt taser, with its more powerful 18 to 26 watt pulse disrupts the central nervous system and directly controls the skeletal muscles causing an uncontrollable contraction of the muscle tissue. The EMD effect overrides voluntary muscle control, even among pain-tolerant, aggressive combatants. The subject will be quickly immobilized and on the ground.

The taser is aimed at the subject and upon firing, two probes attached to 15′ of trailing wires, are propelled by compressed nitrogen gas at 135 fps (feet per second). The electrical impulse passes to the subject’s body where the probes have attached to the body or clothing. An automatic initial seven second charge disables the attacker and continual pulses separated by 1.8 second intervals keep the subject from regaining equilibrium or removing the wires. The initial sequence lasts for about 30 seconds. While the subject is dazed and temporarily disabled, the civilian can escape the threat.

The taser does not depend on body penetration or impact to work. The powerful pulsating electrical current will “jump” up to two inches as long as both probes are attached to skin or clothing. This debilitating jolt is effective yet causes no damage to nerves, muscles or other body tissue. Extensive testing has proven the effectiveness and safety of the taser. A January 1987 Annals of Emergency Medicine study reported no long-term injuries compared with 50% long-term injuries for surviving gunshot victims.

This stun weapon will not cause electrocution or interfere with a cardiac pacemaker. Medical testing has confirmed the “T-wave” will not interrupt the heartbeat or damage a pacemaker. Cardiac defibrillators used to revive heart patients use a current hundred of times stronger than the T-wave without causing damage. Should your attacker somehow get close enough to touch you the current will not pass through to you. You will not receive a shock even if you are standing in water at the time.

The ideal range to fire is seven to ten feet away from your attacker, and this ensures optimum effect. The unit also has a backup touch stun mode should you miss the target or face multiple attackers.

The taser works well in all seasons. The cold of winter or heat of summer does not affect the compressed nitrogen propellant cartridges or the T-wave.

Civilian use of the taser is recommended as a “surprise defense” though the unit can be quite intimidating. This is especially true of the laser-sight model, as the attacker has little doubt as to if and where he will be hit. Knowing he will absolutely get hit will often convince the attacker to look for easier prey.

In summary, the taser is a safe, yet highly effective self-defense weapon. Compared to more deadly alternatives, i.e., handguns, etc., the “oops factor” makes this the ideal home defense weapon. If that late-night intruder you just took down in your kitchen turns out to be your grown son returning from a late date, you will certainly appreciate the non-lethal consequences.

Get serious about your personal safety! Get training, and practice a few shots to get a good feel for the best distance to fire. The taser can be a valuable and effective part of your self-defense plan.

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